Supreme Court’s Non-Decision on Emergency Abortion Care Means More Uncertainty for Pregnant Patients
Today, the Supreme Court decided to dismiss Idaho and Moyle, et al. v. United States,…
We just wrapped up our Reproductive Justice Week of Action. We asked Black women across the country to share their voter plan for the November election on their social media platforms. What they shared left us in awe of the activism, thoughtfulness and dedication Black women had not only to get out their own vote but also the votes of their families and communities.
Here are seven voter plans inspiring us as we head to the polls (or mailbox or drop-off box).
Casting my ballot today for “all the days past, all the days to come” (Mildred Taylor). In loving memory of my maternal grandparents Elizabeth Dancil Bray (1930-2012) & James Richard Bray, Sr. (1916-1999). @blackwomensrj @LeslieMac #IAmAVoter #BlackWomenVote #RJWeekOfAction2020
— Ebony Elizabeth Thomas (@Ebonyteach) October 5, 2020
#IAMAVOTER because I’m a part of an important voting bloc who will not be ignored.
This week is @BlackWomensRJ’s #RJWOA2020, and I’m partnering with them to encourage you and our collective communities to MAKE a voting plan and SHARE that voting plan widely!
— Vilissa Thompson (@VilissaThompson) October 3, 2020
#IAmAVoter and I join @BlackWomensRJ to encourage you to take 2 minutes to make your vote plan.
1. Verify your registration
2. Know what’s on the ballot
3. Select the date and what method you will cast your vote (mail, early or Election Day)#RJWOA2020— L. Joy Williams (@ljoywilliams) October 2, 2020