Black Women for Wellness
Based in Los Angeles, California, Black Women for Wellness is a multi-generational, membership-based organization committed to the well being of Black women and girls by building healthy communities through health education, empowerment and advocacy. BWW is committed to elevating the lived experiences of Black women and girls in California.
Our mission is the empowerment, health and wellbeing of Black women and girls. BWW utilizes a reproductive justice framework to engage in policy, advocacy, outreach, research, civic engagement and education toward increasing the health and wellbeing of Black women and girls locally in Los Angeles and throughout California. Organized by 6 women in 1997,
Black Women for Wellness has worked more than seventeen (17) years to:
- expand access to sexual and reproductive health and rights,
- provide sex education youth of color,
- share information with consumers on reproductive and neurological toxins
- implement healthy eating and exercise programs to prevent obesity and infertility,
- conduct research with African American beauty professionals to determine chemical exposure and correlating health status,
- employ advocacy and outreach to insure the policies like the Affordable Care Act is inclusive of reproductive health services,
- organize and mobilize get out the vote campaigns around local and statewide elections, and
- publish culturally relevant voter education and information materials for the black community.
To learn more about the work of Black Women for Wellness, please go to our website.