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Step Forward: Opening the Dialogue on Sexual Violence and Black Girls

By Nourbese Flint

In a classroom at Gardena High School, just outside of Los Angeles, a group of young Black women and women of color stand in a row and listen to a prompt: “If you don’t think young men respect you, step forward.” Each of the young women takes a step.

“If you’ve ever decided not to wear something tight or short because you thought men may talk to you or about you when you walk down the street, step forward.” Again, the young women all take a step.

Sexual harassment disproportionately impacts young Black women and women of color of all sexual orientations. Harassment can include physical, mental and emotional abuse, ranging  from a stare that makes a girl feel unsafe to objectifying remarks to unwanted sexual contact. As one high school student explained: “Sexual harassment to me is tearing down anyone, really. Physically, by touching; mentally, by calling them [sexualizing] names.” 

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Clinic Violence is a Reproductive Justice Issue

January 21, 2016—Based on data recently released by the Feminist Majority Foundation, “harassment, intimidation, and threats against abortion providers have nearly doubled, with the percentage of clinics impacted increasing from 26.6% in 2010 to 51.9% in 2014.” In Our Own Voice joined Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) and several other state and national advocates at the National Press Club on January 21, 2016, to speak out against clinic violence, and to urge the House Select Investigative Panel to turn their focus and address anti-abortion violence, or disband altogether.

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Let’s Help Children of Color Breathe Easier

By Janette Robinson Flint, executive director of Black Women for Wellness
Cross-posted in LA Sentinel, November 20, 2015

When breathing is easy, we can think, create, and live fuller lives. But for many communities in Los Angeles, breathing is easier said than done. There are days where I look out the window, and can’t see the mountains that surround Los Angeles. On those days, I unconsciously avoid looking at the air we are breathing, yet I know that the smog will be heavier in the lungs of children in my community who have asthma.

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Abortion Access and Contraceptive Equity: A Matter of Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice

by Dr. Krystal Redman, SPARK Executive Director
August 17, 2015

As we work progressively in the fight towards social and economic equality, we must continue to include the argument of; sexual and reproductive justice in order to takes steps towards achieving complete contraceptive equity, which includes access to safe and affordable abortion services. Contraceptive Equity is the freedom to choose the contraceptive choice that works best for oneself. Furthermore, that all options are available and affordable; including, access to adequate information regarding choice and patient-centered medical guidance.

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Black Women Matter More than Just Our Deaths

by Janette Robinson Flint

I am deeply hurt, enraged and gravely concerned by the onslaught of violence against Black women and girls. The latest offense happened on Monday, July 13, when Sandra Bland, a 28 year-old woman who was pulled over for a minor traffic violation, was found dead in her Texas jail cell. The following day, 18 year-old Kindra Chapman was also found dead in an Alabama jail cell.

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The Irony of Choice as Roe turns 42

Here we go again. This week, on the 42nd anniversary of Roe v Wade, U.S. House Republican leadership will send a bill to the floor for vote that is meant to restrict a woman’s right to safe, legal abortion care. HR. 7 flies in the face of the reality that federal insurance coverage of abortion is already restricted.

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Vote Like Your Health Depends On It

The 2014 midterm elections are tomorrow. Either through early voting, absentee ballots or at polling places on November 4, citizens across the country will cast votes for candidates who will have the state, local or federal constitutional power to make policies that could affect all of our lives. Interestingly, this election cycle has a record setting 100 Black candidates running for state and congressional offices– the most seen in any cycle since Reconstruction.

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