NATIONWIDE — In response to the Trump administration dismissing the Idaho emergency abortion lawsuit and…

Black women applaud Supreme Court decision upholding Affordable Care Act, condemn LGBTQ discrimination ruling
The U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the latest case challenging the Affordable Care Act. The Court also announced today its unanimous ruling in favor of an anti-LGBTQ foster care agency’s right to not comply with nondiscrimination requirements on the grounds of religious freedom. In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda President and CEO Marcela Howell, issued the following statement:
“The high court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ensures that millions will continue to have access to essential healthcare. The justices once again join voters in repudiating the relentless attacks on health care.
“Before the ACA, people of color accounted for 54 percent of the uninsured in the United States, with Black women and other women of color — who already face systemic barriers to accessing health care — disproportionately impacted. In Our Own Voice applauds the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the ACA and we call on Congress to strengthen and improve access to health care for all people, of all races, genders, immigration status and economic means by embracing the Black Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda. It’s time to stop the attacks on the ACA and to start taking proactive action to end health disparities once and for all.
“As Black Reproductive Justice advocates, our fight the secure Reproductive Justice for Black women, femmes, girls and gender-expansive individuals hinges on our belief in the human right of all people — regardless of race, gender, class, sexual orientation or gender identity — to have control over their own body, sexuality, gender, work, sexual pleasure and reproduction, including control over if, when or how to become a parent. The Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling on Fulton v. City of Philadelphia in favor of Catholic Social Services’ religious right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ foster parents sends a dangerous message about the equal rights of LGBTQ+ parents, families and individuals.
“With our overburdened child welfare system and so many young people and children — a disproportionate number of whom identify as LGBTQ+ themselves — in need of caring foster parents and homes, there is absolutely no moral, ethical or religious justification to turn away LGBTQ parents who want to foster children. To uphold and protect the reproductive rights, freedom and justice of all people, including LGBTQ+ individuals, it is time for Congress to step up and pass the Equality Act and explicitly protect the civil rights of LGBTQ people.”