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U.S. Supreme Court to Review Texas Law to Shut Down Clinics

Contact: Marcela Howell, 202-841-3292,

(November 13, 2015) – The U.S. Supreme Court, today, agreed to review a Texas law designed to shut down clinics that provide safe, legal abortion services. The case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole, was brought by Center for Reproductive Rights on behalf of a coalition of women’s healthcare providers to stop an anti-abortion law (HB2) that places medically unnecessary regulations on clinics in Texas that provide abortions.

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Abortion Access and Contraceptive Equity: A Matter of Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice

by Dr. Krystal Redman, SPARK Executive Director
August 17, 2015

As we work progressively in the fight towards social and economic equality, we must continue to include the argument of; sexual and reproductive justice in order to takes steps towards achieving complete contraceptive equity, which includes access to safe and affordable abortion services. Contraceptive Equity is the freedom to choose the contraceptive choice that works best for oneself. Furthermore, that all options are available and affordable; including, access to adequate information regarding choice and patient-centered medical guidance.

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