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2024 Federal Policy & Advocacy Priorities

Health Equity, Care, Access

  • Increase federal funding for the identification and amelioration of diseases and conditions that inequitably impact Black women, including those caused by social determinants of health
  • Invest in a diverse, representative, and responsive health care workforce that hears Black women, and require training on timely and appropriate treatment for all races and ethnicities
  • Expand access to mental health services

Maternal Health and Pregnancy Care

  • Pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act
  • Increase funding for doulas and midwifery care in federal health care programs
  • Guarantee comprehensive holistic maternity care for at least one year postpartum
  • Pass federal law to ban the shackling of pregnant incarcerated people
  • Pass legislation to require comprehensive coverage for fertility care and treatment

Abortion Access

  • End all federal bans on abortion care coverage
  • Pass the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act (EACH)
  • Pass a federal right to abortion care

Comprehensive Sexual Education and Contraceptive Equity

  • Pass the Real Education for Healthy Youth Act to expand contraceptive access
  • Increase federal funding for the Title X program
  • Expand funding for increased sexual and reproductive health education
  • Prevent “religious freedom” from blocking access to comprehensive sexual health education

Voting Rights

  • Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure Black people can vote
  • Pass the For the People Act to address gerrymandering and reform campaign finance systems

Economic Justice

  • Prioritize student loan debt relief
  • Pass a national paid leave program
  • Make child tax credits permanent

Public Health and Community Safety

  • Robustly fund the Sexual Assault Services Grant Program and sexual assault research
  • Increase and protect funding for vital public health agencies and programs and reverse damaging rollbacks

Environmental Justice

  • Prioritize environmental justice in infrastructure funding implementation and future investments, including increasing access to clean water
  • Address the impacts of climate change on Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people

What Can You Do?

  • Read more about In Our Own Voice’s federal advocacy priorities for 2024 (PDF)
  • Use our resources to advocate locally
  • Meet with your members of Congress or their staff
  • Attend a public forum or town hall and ask a question. Call the district offices of your senators and representative to request a list of events near you
  • Submit an op-ed to your local paper
  • Use Facebook or Twitter to engage your members of Congress
  • Send an action alert message to your members of Congress or call your members of Congress
  • Contact our government affairs staff for advocacy strategies and useful resources
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